Friday, November 8, 2013

Decree And Proclaim

SSAWPGROUP Yes, it is beginning to rain and continue to rain it will, only stopping to keep the ground of your heart and land from flooding, thereby washing away the rich soil of your heart. Things must have adequate rain and sun in proper measure. New and tender growth is spring forth out of the sunshine and rain (2 Sam 23: 3-5). You must say it is so.
It is time for you to decree what I have spoken to you today and in days gone by. My Word always accomplishes the purpose for which it is sent. Like the farmer who fertilizes his crop, you must fertilize the soil of your heart with My Word both logos and rhema. It is imperative for healthy growth in the natural and in the spirit. Do you trust Me? Do you believe what I say about you before even one sprout is out of the ground? My words to you like crops have different planting and harvest times. Patience and perseverance are necessary ingredients and will be cultivated if you understand process. Understanding of timing and process are meant to free you.
Just do as I ask moment to moment and all will be well, all the while decreeing, “I, once a neglected piece of land have now become a fruitful field, a dispenser of lush and much needed fruit. I am filled with hope and anticipation. While rain is falling on me, I am waiting in a posture of complete trust and worship. I love and I am loved. My time has come. ” Selah…

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